Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Meet the White Box That Can Make Your Entire Existence Ad Free...

Meet the White Box That Can Make Your Entire Existence Ad Free

Mobile antivirus software firm Bluepoint Security is taking ad blocking to the next level with a router-like appliance that can block ads on any device connected to it via wifi including computers, tablets, smartphones and even streaming services like Apple TV.

Called AdTrap, the $135 device is the fruit of a successful Kickstarter project launched in December 2012 that raised $213,000 from 1,800 backers in 30 days.

Now, almost nine months since the end of that campaign, Bluepoint is gearing up to move beyond direct sales to work with distributors like Grand St., the new tech gadget commerce curator and extending the service to include devices on cellular networks with AdTrap Anywhere.

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