Sunday, September 1, 2013

Can Native Advertising Scale? These Networks Say It Can...

Can Native Advertising Scale? These Networks Say It Can

It would be hard to find a hotter buzz-term in marketing than so-called “native advertising,” which means a lot of things to different people but boils down to ads that look and feel like the content that surrounds them. At this point, everyone is latching onto the term, even when they shouldn’t.

Criticisms of the concept include: it’s just a re-brand of “sponsored content;” they’re labor intensive to make; and, most damning, they just don’t scale. A beautifully-compiled sponsored list on BuzzFeed may reach an audience of 100,000, but billions of banner ads are served each day, so the notion that native even comes close to the display’s scale is a pipe dream.

"To be completely native, you must match the user experience of each individual publisher deploying the technology, so in essence, native advertising does not scale." wrote Darren Herman, Chief Digital Media Officer at The Media Kitchen, in an email to Ad Age.

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