Friday, August 30, 2013

California Court Battle Today May Set Up Supreme Contest Over...

California Court Battle Today May Set Up Supreme Contest Over Aereo

Broadcasters stymied by court losses in New York are turning to judges in California and Massachusetts in their campaign to shut down the Aereo online streaming TV service, potentially creating a patchwork of rulings that would need to be resolved by the Supreme Court.

Aereo, which relays broadcast TV to subscribers over the internet, is continuing to expand its service to more U.S. cities even as CBS Corp., Comcast’s NBC, Walt Disney Co.’s ABC and Twentieth Century Fox’s Fox pursue copyright litigation that may wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

A federal court in Los Angeles granted Fox’s motion to close a similar service originally called Aereokiller, and lawyers are set to argue over that decision today before the U.S. Court of Appeals in Pasadena, Calif. If judges uphold Fox’s victory, that would create a split on essentially the same technology between federal appeals courts in California and New York, which could propel the question to the nation’s highest court.

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