Friday, February 22, 2013

"Overall, we expect most Pages to see: Total reach to stay the same or increase for most Pages An..."

“Overall, we expect most Pages to see:

Total reach to stay the same or increase for most Pages

An increase in paid reach if you ran News Feed ads

An increase or decrease in organic reach, depending on many factors such as the composition of your fan base, when and how often you post and your spending patterns

A change in metrics computed from reach and impressions, such as engagement rate and virality

We know that accurate data is fundamental to building and improving your Facebook presence. We are taking this very seriously. We have already put a number of additional quality and verification measures in place to prevent future bugs and resolve them quickly if they arise.”


Big question, do the changes in paid numbers create liability for Facebook along its core revenue line?

Probably not because the damage likely resulted in extra impressions not less. This could get interesting.

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