If you don't use tumblr you may want to start... I will be reposting this content there (
mhandy1.tumblr.com )... Tumblr has grown leaps and bounds over the last 5 months. It has an avid user base, simple tools that help your blog go viral and the relational component of twitter. (Oh did I mention free hosting for custom URL's?) The Stats from Quantcast are pretty telling...
The growth is not in the 200 million user range of twitter. However growth is significant and solid. Global growth is strong and it seems that growth has turned a corner in the US... Now is the time to learn the ins and outs of this network, before you are late to the party. The Social network has been around a while but it is on the verge of blowing up, and let me show you why...
The network is pre-college students and most are getting ready to start sharing more substantive insights. Ignore what the data says for a moment about age... I know the network is a key demo because of 2 pieces of data...
#1: 18-34 is a large age range but we can parse this down to the young end of the spectrum based on other demographic stats *Wages and no college. The site indexes high for low wage/ no college, only up in coming Social networks tend to do this.
#2 No Kids indexes really really high... this suggest that the network is under 27 . Kids generally come into the picture around 25 to 27. The youth of the network paired with no kids indicates a college mindset. If this is your demo this is your time!
Within 2 years tumblr should be one of the fastest growing digital properties on the web.